For educators
KTH Live-In Lab provides a natural point of contact between students and industry. By using KTH Live-In Lab as a case or project assignment in course curricula, students from different programs can contribute to the evaluation and validation of tests that are in progress and also collaborate with the team designing the constellation for the coming year's innovation-area of the testbeds. Existing courses can also be tied to KTH Live-In Lab.
There are many opportunities of completing thesis work within the framework of KTH Live-In Lab. Companies have the opportunity to make feasible studies of possible projects with the help of students, something that often generates good evidence that can be used for the application for funding. It also simplifies the board´s approval of the projects and helps the project management to understand the scope of necessary rebuilds linked to tests. Ongoing training and courses can be linked to KTH Live-In Lab. Courses can use data or other test infrastructure as a basis.
Contact the center's manager for more information.
Some previous courses working with KTH Live-In Lab:
Presence production course, kurskod DM2500 (6 hp), HT 2016
How can we use presence technologies to promote energy awareness in buildings? We usually think of KTH as a part of the city of Stockholm where education and research takes place – however, our campus is also becoming a vibrant urban environment where people can live, eat and shop 24/7. Within a few years, Stockholm will have built 6000 new student flats In line with an increased energy awareness spreading on campus, we believe that quite a lot that relates to students’ social life might change in the future, but how? What do you think should or could be transformed? What is smart living in our future campus society? Smart for whom? What will make it possible for KTH campus to develop into a smart sustainable city? Can there be visual or sonic prompters and live visualizations that trigger responsibility amongst us, when we are walking around on campus? How could KTH’s increasing energy awareness be represented in the real and virtual spaces we share? What is the potential to strengthen social and spatial connectedness by using real-time communications, shared virtual spaces and feedback systems? These are some of the issues we are exploring together in the course.
Studio Project 3 Architectural interfaces: Smart spaces and responsive environments, course code A42C14 (12 credits):
The course runs in Master Studio 4, KTH School of Architecture, 1 February - 20 March (responsible Studio Teachers: Charlie Gullström, Ori Merom, Pablo Miranda Carranza). Students will design a mixed-reality space by integrating live media streams to the physical environment, combined with software components and tools that empower users to actively control features in local end remote spaces (embedded actuators, sensors, iBeacons, etc.). As an initial design task (“Smart Living”), students will engage in an ongoing project developing on KTH campus; three student housing buildings to be built by Einar Mattsson Group and designed by Semrén + Månsson Architects. The buildings form part of an experimental test bed that involves teaching and research at KTH: KTH Live-In Lab. Over the coming 10 years, different research groups at KTH will carry out measurements and experiments relating to these buildings. Also the design will change over time and Studio 4 has been invited to propose changes for the future: how should the flats be transformed? What is smart living in today's society? Smart for whom?
For more information visit Studio Project 3 website
Course coordinator:
TaMoS (Theory and Methodology of Science):
The course Theory and Methodology of Science (TaMoS) is a mandatory course for all master and PhD students at KTH. Almost a thousand students per year take this course. Part of the TaMoS course is about research ethics. This part includes a lecture, a seminar and related mandatory readings. The spring-term of 2016 will see KTH Live-In Lab included in this section on research ethics. Live-In Lab is a prime example and pedagogical environment for a diskussion of this kind. Some examples of relevant questions are: How should researchers view the growing integration between science and the industry? How should integrity and consent be handled with regard to being a research participant? What goals should guide what research can be conducted?
Course coordinator:
Energy systems, Economy and Leadership, course code MJ2146 (15 credits):
The course purpose is to give the students professional skills needed to solve technical, energy system-related, problems that are so compounded and complex that their solution requires competences from the fields of energy system technology and industrial engineering. KTH Live-In Lab was the starting point for the course round of 2015. What is a functional and sustainable business model where academia, industry and society can collaborate towards increased innovation within the construction and residential sector? Around 40 students delivered 11 different business models which were presented in december 2015. Over 60 companies were involved in the process which resulted in the 11 business models that are now used as the starting point for further development of KTH Live-In Labs business model.