Testbed EM
Testbed EM consists of 305 student apartments and is located at KTH Campus Valhallavägen. The testbed consists of three plus-energy buildings with solar PVs, wastewater heat exchangers, ground source heat pumps and hot water storage.

About Testbed EM
The buildings are heated with preheated supply air. Hot water for heating and apartment use is generated via ground source heat pumps connected to 12 boreholes with a total length of 3600m, and several boreholes have fiberoptics installed for temperature measurement longitudinally.
The roof surfaces are covered by 1150 sqm of photovoltaic panels. There are a total of 64 wastewater heat exchangers installed, both vertical and horizontal. Supply and return air can be adjusted in all apartments. Hot water, electricity, CO2 and temperature are measured in all apartments. It is possible to influence the building automation systems for research purposes.
Testbed Einar Mattsson Layout