The multidimensional lab
KTH Live In Lab offers a seamless integration between the physical and the digital. A full-scale test environment comprising everything from buildings and installations to housing, users and management organization, is combined with a datapool for research data from test beds and research results.

KTH Live-In Lab Datapool
KTH Live-In Lab's Datapool is our portal to research data from our Testbeds (buildings) and research results. The idea is to collect, store and share data to accelerate innovation in the built environment. The Datapool will be open for KTH students and teachers as well as collaborating researchers from industry partners.
KTH Live-In Lab offers a full-scale test environment ranging from buildings and installations to housing and management organizations. Research and testing can be carried out in real buildings, which means that not only the product or service itself is evaluated, but also how each component contributes to the performance of the building as a whole. Results from projects conducted within the framework of KTH Live-In Lab are thus achieving an unprecedented quality level.